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Basic Attention Token Crypto Coin Rank 91
1,462,001,432 xuc

Basic Attention Token
Basic Attention Token
xuc Coin Values xuc

Basic Attention Token valuesUSD Hind
$ 0.2191

Basic Attention Token BTC Hind

Basic Attention Token 24h turumaht
$ 87,824,153

Basic Attention Token Turuosa ülempiirid
$ 320,311,065

24h turumaht
9,079 BTC
1 H
-0.03 %
24 H
4.83 %
7 d
7.09 %
Täna Basic Attention Token USA dollarites on praegu hind 0.2191 USD, ja kui see on muudetud Bitcoin on 0.00002265 BTC. Kogusumma 33,113 münt's praegu ringlusse turul. Basic Attention Token hinnad muutuvad praegu 4.83 %, Kontrollima kogu krüptokursus. Viimase 24 tunni jooksul 0.878 M US dollars Basic Attention Token on kaubeldatud Krüptovahetused. Hangi Basic Attention Token's edusamme, lisades selle oma lemmikud tasuta portfelli kui soovid.
Basic Attention Token
ETH Token
BTC Hind
0.00002265 BTC
BTC Turg
33,113 BTC
BTC 24h Vol
9,079 BTC
Kokku hangitud münte
1,462,001,432 xuc
-0.03 %
4.83 %
7.09 %
xuc Tabelid

Basic Attention Token Hind Tabelid

xuc Kõrge/Madal hinnatabel

Basic Attention Token Hind Kõrge/Madal hinnatabel

Historical Data

Basic Attention Token Crypto Technology


Basic Attention Token Crypto Market


Basic Attention Token Crypto ICO Description

The Exchange Union makes strategic investments in digital currency exchanges. Shortly after launch, Exchange Union will build a union chain. XUC is an ERC20 Ethereum-based token.

Exchange Union will have a total supply of 3,000,000,000 XUC in which 2,935,000,000 are stored in 3 private address:

0xA4314242453AA1E8FEEd49240D5Fe52B8319d52B - 900,000,000 XUC 
0x7302d50dB53eBb11921320fa7c95De3c8719Db09 - 900,000,000 XUC
0x13AC065131Bc2462a1Bf4a58994D1FdfcB08678D - 1,135,000,000 XUC


Basic Attention Token Crypto Technology

Sorry, detailed technology about Basic Attention Token is not currently available


Basic Attention Token Crypto Features

Sorry, detailed features about Basic Attention Token is not currently available

ICO Status

Basic Attention Token ICO Details

ICO staatus
Tokenite varu
Varu tõstetud (BTC)
Varu tõstetud (USD)
Alghind (USD)
Turvalisuse audiitorfirma
ICO õiguslik vorm
ICO jurisdiktsioon
Valge leht

The Exchange Union makes strategic investments in digital currency exchanges. Shortly after launch, Exchange Union will build a union chain. XUC is an ERC20 Ethereum-based token.

Exchange Union will have a total supply of 3,000,000,000 XUC in which 2,935,000,000 are stored in 3 private address:

0xA4314242453AA1E8FEEd49240D5Fe52B8319d52B - 900,000,000 XUC 
0x7302d50dB53eBb11921320fa7c95De3c8719Db09 - 900,000,000 XUC
0x13AC065131Bc2462a1Bf4a58994D1FdfcB08678D - 1,135,000,000 XUC

 A month’s notice will be given if any funds (5,000,000 XUC maximum limit) is to be released from the addresses above, stating each usage.

The Exchange Union Team canceled their ICO on August 5, 2017 and announced it on their site saying:

"(...) In other words, the bitcoins and ethereums we have raised have been sufficient for the construction and operation of the Exchange Union. (...) Therefore we are sorry to announce the cancellation of the ICO initiative, which was due to launch on 7 August, 2017."

Token Destribution:

Presale& Private Placement: 60,000,000
Exchanges Rewards*: 990,000,000
R&D: 450,000,000
Team Members: 300,000,000
Promotion & Bug Bounties: 90,000,000
Special Contributors: 60,000,000
Incentive Reserve: 150,000,000
Excess supply to be burned*: 900,000,000

*63% of XUC tokens will be burned or reserved for Exchanges

Hankige Crypto uudiskiri
Loe lahtiütlusest : Kogu meie veebisaidi, hüperlingitud saitide, seotud rakenduste, foorumite, ajaveebide, sotsiaalmeediakontode ja muude platvormide ("Sait") siin esitatud sisu on mõeldud ainult teie üldiseks teabeks, mis on hangitud kolmandate isikute allikatest. Me ei anna meie sisu osas mingeid garantiisid, sealhulgas täpsust ja ajakohastust, kuid mitte ainult. Ükski meie poolt pakutava sisu osa ei kujuta endast finantsnõustamist, õigusnõustamist ega muud nõustamist, mis on mõeldud teie konkreetseks toetumiseks mis tahes eesmärgil. Mis tahes kasutamine või sõltuvus meie sisust on ainuüksi omal vastutusel ja omal äranägemisel. Enne nende kasutamist peate oma teadustööd läbi viima, analüüsima ja kontrollima oma sisu. Kauplemine on väga riskantne tegevus, mis võib põhjustada suuri kahjusid, palun konsulteerige enne oma otsuse langetamist oma finantsnõustajaga. Meie saidi sisu ei tohi olla pakkumine ega pakkumine