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Cryptoknowmics 2022-03-27 20:45:41

Why is Everyone Investing in Upshot NFT Appraisal Protocol?

As per the latest news, the NFT brand upshot has raised $22 million in their A2 series round of funding. This funding is sourced by the well-known investment firm Polychain. As per the firm, such a considerable investment is due to their trust in the brand ‘ Upshot.’ Polychain thinks that Upshot is a reliable brand in the NFT market because of its proven efficacy in its pricing models. Though many of us might understand the concept of Upshot and NFT, some people are unaware of the subject. So, we discuss a few critical components of Upshot to understand the concept better. What is Upshot NFT? The ecosystem of NFT is proving to be one of the fastest-growing spaces in recent times. There seems to be a rush in participating in this buying and selling race. However, the valuation of the NFT purchased or sold is highly subjective. Here, Upshot comes into the picture. The Upshot is a protocol that rewards experts for giving their honest feedback and insights, which ultimately helps decide the valuation. Appraisal games are used to incentivize the experts. In other words, Upshot provides a value discovery tool for NFT by remunerating the experts for their unbiased opinions. Why is everyone Investing in Upshot? Though millions of dollars are getting invested in these non-fungible tokens, the accurate valuation of NFT is still very tricky. The pricing factor of NFT is very subjective. That is the reason people are getting more inclined...

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