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NewsBTC 2021-09-05 22:00:29

Ethereum Software Client Geth Issues Hotfix To Tighten Security

Geth, the most renowned software client of Ethereum, has provided a hotfix to the threatening security challenges in its code. The news was posted on Tuesday at 07:08 UTC to GitHub. However, the details of the terms were not disclosed immediately. The release is titled Hades Gamma (V1.10.8); it was posted to Ethereum GitHub on Tuesday at about 07:08 UTC. According to one of the posts on the release page, it didn’t disclose the details of the vectors, including their fixes. This would have allowed the dependent downstream projects and node operators to update their software and nodes. Related Reading | Bittrex Global CEO Declares Dubai Will Gain Benefit From Cryptocurrency Market Expansion A report from states that close to 75% of all the nodes on the Ethereum blockchain run Geth. Therefore, these users are advised to upgrade to Geth V.1.10.8, the updated version, immediately. Guido Vraken Discovering The Bug In Ethereum A software developer Guido Vraken announced on August 18th that he had discovered the bug. Guido Vraken is a scientist who specializes in discovering open-source software code vulnerabilities. He is also interested in scientific works, product development and validation, regulatory matters, and teaching. Guido Vraken is a graduate of the University of Ghent and a volunteer at Natuurpunt. As stated earlier in the GitHub security advisory post, Geth’s vulnerability can make a node ...

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