Located in Toulouse, France, Digital Service is offering crypto-currency services since 2014. ZEBITEX supports EUR deposit/withdrawals by SEPA and Credit cards and charges no fees for it. In terms of keeping the users' funds safe, more than 95% of their cryptos are stored on Ledger Vault from Ledger. Telegram | Facebook | Instagram | LinkedIn | Medium.
Deposit fees : There are no deposit fees whatsoever for euros via SEPA transfer or crypto assets. For VISA / Mastercard payment the deposit fee is 3.5% Trading fees: They are 0.15% on each executed order. Orders not executed or canceled will be invoiced. In order to access the ZEBITEX fees details, please click <a href="https://support.zebitex.com/hc/fr/articles/360002472231-Quels-sont-les-frais-de-la-plateforme-ZEBITEX-" target="_blank">here</a>.
Immeuble Atria, 8 Esplanade Compans Caffarelli, 31000 Toulouse
Список связанных бирж. В следующем списке перечислены основные крипто биржи, которые поддерживают биткойны, эфириум, лайткойны, XRP и другие известные альт-монеты. Кроме того, этот список предоставляет обзор, чтобы указать, какие биржи лучше для активной торговли.