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Cryptoknowmics 2022-02-20 18:55:59

Tyler Winklevoss Is Extremely Bullish on Crypto

While there is no dearth of critics like Peter Schiff who believe that there’s little to no worth of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general, there are also people who are overly optimistic about the crypto market. American investor and founder of the Gemini cryptocurrency exchange, Tyler Winklevoss, is immensely bullish on crypto. In a tweet, Winklevoss said that he was so bullish on crypto that he hadn’t checked the prices in weeks. While the Gemini founder may be overly confident about the crypto market, others took the claim with a pinch of salt. Billy Markus, one of the founders of the popular meme token Dogecoin said that he had checked the prices and it was nothing to feel good about. Bitcoin’s Price Crashes Below $40,000 Over the Weekend Regardless of how bullish Tyler Winklevoss might be on crypto, one can’t shy away from the fact that the crypto market slowed down over the weekend. Bitcoin’s price went below $40,000 on Friday. At the time of writing, Bitcoin’s price was just over $38,000. This is the first time since Feb 4 that Bitcoin’s price has gone back into the $30,000s. Its drop to less than $34,000 in the last week of January marked its lowest price since July 2021. The post Tyler Winklevoss Is Extremely Bullish on Crypto appeared first on Cryptoknowmics-Crypto News and Media Platform.

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