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Cryptopolitan 2021-09-05 17:57:00

Texas crypto adoption gains positive legal status

TL;DR Breakdown • Texas crypto adoption has increased in these last months.• Texas legalizes crypto under state business law. The Texas House Bill has been approved by the state’s Congress and governor Greg Abbott. These 4474 and 1576 bills affirm the digital currencies legalization in September 2021. Texas is the latest American state to adopt cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. According to their commercial law, they are two bills intended to promote and give way to cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology. House Bill 1576 is based on developing a task force responsible for monitoring the cryptocurrency growth market throughout Texas. Bill 4474 allows digital currencies recognition under commercial law. Crypto adoption in Texas enables financial growth By creating and developing a good plan, the work team will verify, monitor, and study economic growth and blockchain technology’s opportunities for the market. In addition, this plan allows the initiation of certain legislative recommendations to improve and promote financial growth. It is a groundbreaking way to expand the crypto industry in Texas and lower the barriers. Lee Bratcher, Texas Blockchain Council president, recently said that House Bill 4474 would allow individuals and companies to join investments. Bratcher also added that project 4474 works better with BTC and other virtual currencies. He commented that Texas banking institutions with st...

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