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2021-11-14 23:54:14

FLUX Token a new Community for Growth and Rewards

A new celebrity-endorsed gem with a low market cap and limited supply launched eight weeks ago. FLUX is at the forefront of crypto technology, developing ways to reach everyone, everywhere. Moving with the pulse of the industry, they’re ready to take their holders to the moon.
The team behind FLUX is doxxed, experienced, dedicated, extremely transparent, and looking to protect your investment every step of the way. The community is warm and welcoming. You feel a sense of exclusivity and familiarity in their telegram group. But, it’s the passive income and rewards that keep people holding. FLUX offers 3% back on every community transaction (buy/sell/transfer), and they frequently run promotions where you can get even more rewards or FLUX for your money.

The NFTs and merchandise are a bonus for true nostalgia enthusiasts and their favorite entertainment rewards token.

FLUX isn’t your typical token as they have only the future in mind and plan to be around for a while. The team welcomes you to travel 88 MPH into the future. It’s time to trade into FLUX, hold on tight, and feel rewarded.

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